Hello again for the 3rd time,
I am very proud to announce to you all that the third album called “22323” of Rooms Filled is a fact.
This time I tried to use real drumming instead of programming the drums and I succeeded, because of Marcel and Bob. Thanks for that!
Of course, the main role is the bass guitar, but that has not been leading. The song was the guideline.
All the songs are now recorded, engineered, mixed and mastered at the SHRS. In the meanwhile between “Closed Walls Without A Door” and this record named “22323”, I did a training course “mixing and mastering”. That is why I engineered, mixed and mastered the MANCKH cd “Something Different”. And for now, the 3rd cd of Rooms Filled “22323” is completely engineered, mixed and mastered by myself and that is super cool!
I started to think about this cd “22323” after having “Closed Walls Without A Door” in my hands by mid-June 2022. I wanted to do it differently this time. Knowing what I have learned from the MANCKH cd “Something Different” I wanted to do this completely on my own (except for the drums of course 😉) after rejections of musicians I asked to contribute. Maybe next time they will join. The recording of this album took place between November 2022 and December 2023. After that the audio engineering started followed by mixing & mastering. And now its released!
The cover concept was difficult to develop. The album title was pretty clear to me, but what would fit to this title! I found this picture in my collection and immediately I thought “This is it!”.
The “artbass”, as an addition, is such a beautiful piece of art made of pure heavy metal that it also fits the title (I thought). It’s a combination of my 2 handmade basses. Those 2 bases (I use the most) can be heard on these recordings.
This cd “22323” has a little history in it. The training course “mixing and mastering” challenged me to record songs as teaching material. So, I came up with a song from the band I played in during the 80’s. With Under Siege we recorded our first demo in 1989 (that’s now exactly 35 years ago!, so this is an anniversary edition!) on a 4 track recorder. The song “Lost In a Storm” I picked out as teaching material. The result I liked so much, that I thought to give it a place on the new cd as a bonus track (with permission of course of the original songwriter, thanks Sieppie!).
The original singer is unfortunately deceased (r.i.p. Richard Pauwels). I have tried my best to match with his voice. At the end you’ll hear a little piece of Hennie during the “famous” live recording at Berkelpop Borculo on the 11th of November 1989 announcing that “the taxi from Goor is arrived”.
One of the last songs we played in the rehearsal room before Under Siege was entering a new phase was “Guilty, But Still…” around 1991. I liked the chorus riff so much, that I wanted to record this particular song also as a teaching material. The only version I had of this song was a rusty rehearsal room recording. The song is never recorded on any demo or whatsoever. The lyrics I wrote was about a murder with two sides to it. That intrigued me also to record this song with permission of the man who wrote the music (thanks again Sieppie!).
By the way:
People who know me, know that I am making music for pleasure. It’s a fantastic outlet for me. It’s an outstanding nice thing to do.
This project gave me the opportunity to do something with my musical ideas. I hope someone out there likes my songs. I am not the greatest vocalist or songwriter on earth, and I don’t pretend to either. It is making my life complete.
This music came straight from the heart. Not more, not less.
Hopefully you’ll enjoy this new music on “22323” and maybe we see each other sometime at a Manckh concert.